Welcome to the public EJBCA pages
- Create Certificate from CSR - Send a PKCS#10 certificate request generated by your server, and receive a certificate that can be installed on the server. Consult your server documentation.
- Create Keystore - Create a server generated keystore in PEM, PKCS#12 or JKS format and save to your disc. This keystore can be installed in a server, browser or in other applications.
- Create CV Certificate - Used for EU EAC ePassport PKI. Send a CVC certificate request generated by an Inspection System, and receive a CV certificate. Note: this can not be used for regular certificates, CV certificates are completely different.
- Fetch CA Certificates - Browse and download CA certificates.
- Fetch CA CRLs - Download Certificate Revocation Lists.
- Fetch User's Latest Certificate - Download the last issued certificate for a user for whom you know the certificate Distinguished Name.
- Inspect certificate/CSR - Inspect a dump of a CSR or a certificate. This gives an output of a CVC or ASN.1 dump, suitable for technical inspection and debugging.
- List User's Certificates - List certificates for a user for whom you know the certificate Distinguished Name.
- Check Certificate Status - Check revocation status for a certificate where you know the Issuer Distinguished Name and the serial number.
- Administration - Go to the EJBCA Admin-GUI. Requires client certificate authentication.
- Documentation - Go to the on-line EJBCA documentation.